Tuesday, March 22, 2011

project. interactive architecture

Firefly for Grasshopper / Arduino from Jason K Johnson on Vimeo.

I am expecting an Arduino board in the mail tomorrow.  I am excited to try my hand with it via Firefly, an add on to Grasshopper.  I also ordered a light sensor and a rotation motor, and I hope to be able to control the motor with the data from the light sensor, similar to this example of a light data being used to control aperture sizes in grasshopper geometry.

Arduino + Grasshopper & Firefly from Rodrigo Medina on Vimeo.

Whereas in the video above, physical data is used to manipulate arbitrary digital geometry, I would like to instead have physical data manipulate a physical object.  Ultimately, I want to build a sort of digitally controlled "flower," perhaps a homage to Phillip Beasley, that reacts to light by opening and closing its petals based on the amount of light the flower receives.  Below is an example of a physical armature being controlled by physical data via the movements of a wii remote.  

Robofun with Arduino, Grasshopper, FireFly from Chris Wilkins on Vimeo.