Monday, January 24, 2011


Deadlines are both a blessing and a curse.  In class we discussed how if Pixar never had a deadline for any of their projects, they would still probably be working on their first project.  Just as no design can truly be 'perfect,' no design can ever really be done if it weren't for the gift of an otherwise arbitrary deadline.  Listening to this in class I couldn't help but feel a bit shameful towards my own work habits in studio.  I hate deadlines and don't typically work towards the realization of a project until the final two weeks before a project is due; I am far to contempt to dabble in all of the possibilities without ever committing to a final plan of execution. 

Much to the contrary of my work habits, it is probably much more productive to know when to walk away from a project rather to continue to tweak and restlessly attempt to perfect.  In relation to the Herb Simon article, we stressed the importance of incremental improvement and generational 'perfection' of an idea over time and over a wider audience. 

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