Monday, April 11, 2011

progress updates. week of 4.10


I've been searching for some "academic" articles on interactive architecture other than the one's we assigned in class.  I must admit that I am more interested in the applications of interactive technology rather than rhetorical argument's regarding its definition, so I haven't yet found much more than case studies.


I started the digital files for my pieces and parts to control with Arduino; I've decided laser cut plexi is the way to go for the body of my 'creature.'  I will upload some images of my Arduino set-up tomorrow.  My search for articles continues.  

1 comment:

  1. creature, no flower anymore? anyway I've got some more motors and parts if you need them. you could also use lights for eyes, I think i have something that responds to sound and more resistors than i'll ever need..ever if you want to try them out.
